Global Motis Rate 0.50 DKK
Ask 1909.52 DKK
Bid 15.00 DKK
Spread 0.00 %
Volume 30.00

What if you want to leave?

If you want to leave JOOB, you have the option to sell your remaining Motis at the auction. Refer to JOOB Terms and Conditions under paragraph Termination of subscription.
If you have terminated your subscription by accident, contact [email protected]

  1. You can end your subscription at any time.
  2. Your un-subscription takes effect at the end of the current subscription period.
  3. At the end of your subscription period or anytime you want, you can put your balance of Motis on Auction. Please refer to our Auction Tutorial.
  4. Should none bid more than our minimum bid of 10.00 DKK, JOOB suggests you to keep your Motis by renewing your subscription.
  5. Should you still want to leave JOOB, your remaining Motis and profile will be deleted completely.
  6. If you subscribe to JOOB in the future, you need to create a new account due to JOOB GDPR conditions. 

Should you need additional help from JOOB, contact us at [email protected].


	A businessman walking alone, with a bag on his shoulder, leaving an office, high lights with bright lightning

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